For Midwives & Birth Professionals

If you are a midwife or other birth professional, or know one who is needing support from Families For Birth Freedom, please contact us at

To donate to our cause using your credit card or paypal account, click on the donate button below.  Please specify in your order to which midwife, birth professional, or family you are donating. If you would like to donate time, effort, and energy to our cause, please contact us at

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Who We Are

Our Philosophy

We believe that women have the inherent right to autonomy in their births.  With this  belief comes the right to autonomous practice for the providers who serve them.

Our Mission

Families for Birth Freedom was formed to provide a platform for birth professionals and the families they serve to connect with community and to access resources when facing criminal and/or civil prosecution as well as public persecution.

Our Purpose

We are committed to raising awareness of legal and political situations that often arise when families choose who attends them, if anyone, during pregnancy, birth and beyond. We are equally committed to supporting and protecting birth professionals of all kinds who face similar legal and political struggles.  We will offer our support as facilitator, bringing your community together in action, fundraising, social/news media as well as emotional support and aftercare.


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